It is the post modern view that God is dead. Excess leisure time has allowed us to have teenagers and in doing so, fostered rebellion against authority which in turn causes an opposition to that which appears to dominate before becoming that dominating factor in the lives of their children. It turns out the Christians were right when they believed Elvis was the antichrist, although as they were stuck using the logic and language of Christianity rather than post-modernism their message appeared laughable. But yesterdays joke becomes tomorrows news.
There is a segment in the consciousness that fits a sort of God-shaped jigsaw piece. Many people will turn to spirituality, money, exercise, drugs and so on in order to fill this piece, yet a horse is not a car. It is only the all powerful Jehovah that can occupy this space as he is the one true God. Alongside Buddha and the holy lord Ganesh, the fatal trinity occupies the pyramid of heaven. A lot of hipsters nowadays think that God doesn't exist, because it makes them seem cool and edgy. The concept of an all powerful being that created everything before time existed is metal as fuck and therefore seems pretty 'cool' to me.,
There is a lot of cynicism in our society and this is due to our pop culture. You want to watch Bruce Willis shoot John Travolta with a machine gun over and over again, laughing as popcorn and goo drips from your mouth? Don't listen to them, they are full of shit. You can conquer all enemies and realise all the night visions and should. The ones who author pop culture are white Americans with a chip on their shoulder and their heart on their sleeve and a quill in the hand; that's why they are writers in the first place. Nihilism is the philosophical equivalent to a hollow egg. An egg should form more eggs, that is its eggness. If you are a true nihilist you should wait til winter, set a bath and sit in it, awaiting your death cocoon to become around you as you smile smugly at a godless universe.
Where is God? We need him now more than ever. Or do we? Perhaps not. Or maybe we do? Or perhaps we don't. Also it might be possible he's already here. Or maybe not. Who knows for sure? Maybe someone does.
None of it is real and therefore we should tell all children that father Christmas isn't real either and cancer patients that they will die. It is better to grasp onto the little hanging skin of reality which we have left in the face of cyber present. Convert churches into server stacks. New religion in which every member is Jesus. Vatican City can become a theme park. Baroque spaceships that transport a hologram that thinks it's God. The religion of the dolphins. Systems of belief. Modern day Bethlehem. Fiction affecting fact so that the fiction is fact. "I believe in...something." A mahogany statue of Jesus crying tears of blood donated by the parish. A factory that makes sacramental breads. Flim flam men.
"It further cements in my mind over the years that God isn't dead and I was wrong all along. And dumb." - Hermann Nietzsche, 1927