
The Unbearable Lightness Of Waiting For Godot

How can we forget those endless days of yesteryear whilst tomorrow endlessly crashes ahead? 30'000 days of bliss/misery index; (New m)
A radical art concept that transcends ears.
A punk philosophy with a rock sound.
The musicians wear masks. Not like Daft Punk though. This is different.
Surface mics on surface mics to create a well of sound.
Fuck the audience.
A concept album based on Basket Case 3: The Progeny.
A f*cked up prog album available for download with gifs. £5.
No practising. Only jamming.
As confidence grows actions will become more bizarre such as; photo shoots.
At least two or three members need to take everything personally and occasionally storm out muttering "Fuck you all."
A no-smoking policy.
Significant increase in dog attacks.
There should be more focus on image than music.
Upon the death of the weakest member of the group they shall be venerated with rose wine.
It feels better this way.
Now moreso than ever before.
Animal nature in the face of cruel geometries.