
The Major Groove

Nootropics are the new drug craze to hit the mean streets. The pharmaceuticals bend the brain towards intelligence in the form of cutting off the blood supply to certain areas of the cortex or boosting nerve reaction for example. These nootropic drugs enhance the mental function of the user, allowing the average person to have superior brain powers. Teenagers are catching onto this strange notion by spending millions a year in nootropics such as Dimethylstramonium, Rubidium Divinorum and Soma. Genius criminals stalk the streets carrying out crimes reminiscent of Moriaty. Instead of the regular muggings and burglarizing that take place in society people are now becoming victims of bizarre complexity. The government has declared nootropics illegal, causing the police to find other means in which to fight the intellectually superior criminal.

"You can't start a fire without a spark." - James Watson, 1974