Aesthetics of Anaesthetics
Bright star super secrets. Here is the pathology of light, temporally loud. Exchanges on the spectrum (1) are identified as cretins of science. The ruling species of thought. Omniglobular beacons echo throughout, thoughtout. Grand designs of bizarre gods which defy the ultimate rules. Armitage Shanks looks beyond, outside networks of neurons, up quarks, down quarks, Higgs bosoms and a ****. Invisible ghosts which make up the metadata of consistence. Standard models waltz overhead, twirling like dancers. A cold peak develops, raging hard and quivering in the blizzard of particles like the grudge weapons from world war 2. Armistice Shankhs swept at these as if they were invisible demons, bellowing out between bleeding gums damaged by years of processed sugar use. “Knowledge means fuck all when you've only got a couple of lousy bucks in your dungaree pocket.” He was picked up by silver limousines, driving into the night like mechanical phantoms. A footnote in future text books about the perverse psychosexual nature of government conspiracies.

computerized brains,
wigging out,
winning prize