I just wanted to tell everybody what a good breakfast I just had in bed post getting out of bed, pre-yawn hungry man achieving true 'burning man festival' memory space within the four walls of the head. Although I am a fan of breaking the fourth wall, preferably through the art of food making.
It begins by reviewing breakfast ingredients. Mushrooms from Calcutta. Bacon for Norway. Eggs from some underground battery in Slav. Whichever it is there is a calculated cooking time to reach optimistic food warmth. Pork is traditionally eaten at breakfast although I have also experimented with fish, beef and poultry. Your miles may vary on the ascent of breakfast meats although one thing is definite, it will require frying in roughly 2mm of oil. The pre-toast will be required a suitable time for grilling between overheated electrical wiring, the only danger are possible metallic polymers within the bread. If you consider your bread to contain foreign objects, microwave it. After a second or two it will start popping and whizzing like a
fourth of july barbecue
if there are indeed contaminants these can be exorcised using specific bread scooping tools such as the double lipped scissor or the angled spoon that any reputable chef or kitchenstein should own at this stage in life, since you can read. Fungals are next in the pan, followed by any other similarly sized brekky chunks such as black pudding, cheeseballs, bread, hash browns, tomatoes and the like. The last to go in a whole egg, cracked on the rim and then opened upside down in order to get no shell in the delicate membrane. All should be served on a single plate and then brought up with a cup or mug of tea and coffee. The difficult part is finding a suitable surface for your breakfast meal although I believe that the intellect needed to achieve this is best supplied by snorting a thick half crumbled pile of cocaine off your house key. Options for the breakfast include a glass of cold orange juice and a cigarette, depending on one's cancer apathy.
Complex Hypershapes And Others
Columns swing overhead as if some giant pendulus, a sculpture part of the Revgerfev exhibition at Towneley Garden Centre. Every piece of ceramic lawn decoration has had it's face caved in by artist Johnny Gloves, the savage. The mystic.
The gates of Midian.
The great gates of Midian, home of the Queen of Heaven. Hounds made from platinum carry things in their maws as ridiculous brass squelches out some kind of melody. Maybe. Midian. Mesozoic. Meta.
The gates of Midian.
The great gates of Midian, home of the Queen of Heaven. Hounds made from platinum carry things in their maws as ridiculous brass squelches out some kind of melody. Maybe. Midian. Mesozoic. Meta.

Super Gum
Wax and rubber chunks for your mastication habits, world wide gum dispensing machines which deliver caffeine into the bloodstream through saliva upon the mega chod. Your infusion of spearmint and mouth air freshener combines to create a whirpool of delight as the rear molars chomp and suck on the oblongular flesh coloured gum being rescued from the delicate macrothin metal sheeting in which the chewwy is stored in after being mined from the ancient soil of half countries. It's purpose is to be chewed, to osmosize blue and white waves of taste energy into our juddering gobs. Super gum!
Absolute Trepanation
The benefits of trepanation are many, from curing mental illness to allowing more oxygen to the brain. The process is quite simple and can be performed at home under relatively clean conditions. First of all select a region of the brain you wish to enhance. At the front of the human brain is where we make our decisions, scientists call this the 'destiny lobe' for good reason. The middle area of the brain is used primarily for controlling the body so trepanating would lead to greater co-ordination and muscle mass. The back of the brain is responsible primarily for dreams, memories and processing imagery. If one were to trepanate this area and perhaps fit some sort of valve then the person would be able to switch on or off their own dream states.
The process is then quite easy. Using a diamond edged drill bit of approximately 5mm extremely slowly ease it into the head, after cutting your hair of course. Remember this is your brain and it is quite a delicate procedure so you may want a partner to give you a hand. Once you have passed the dermis and skull you will hear a popping sound as excess air is released from the head. Congratulations, you've just performed your first trepanation! Feel free to experiment by drilling holes in different places for various benefits such as changing the way you perceive colour or wiping away bad memories.
The process is then quite easy. Using a diamond edged drill bit of approximately 5mm extremely slowly ease it into the head, after cutting your hair of course. Remember this is your brain and it is quite a delicate procedure so you may want a partner to give you a hand. Once you have passed the dermis and skull you will hear a popping sound as excess air is released from the head. Congratulations, you've just performed your first trepanation! Feel free to experiment by drilling holes in different places for various benefits such as changing the way you perceive colour or wiping away bad memories.

Crystalline Dream
Full potential by least take that nugget of wisdom. available, Fast forward the highly unanticipated 30-odd years and Nig now finds himself the reformed cult metal outfit's singer; Digiship through taking a course at Google Labs. Control a spectral sequel, Lost Boys: The Tribe, at the canals of Mars, create noise shapes with the new float personal computer If you get nothing pad, the hovering else out of watching jungle tribes until kingdom come.

Music Containment Chamber
Fun Pop Mix For Achieving Great Speeds And Heights In Computer Game World Of Real Life.
Click On Hyperlink Bozo
Click On Hyperlink Bozo
Frying Pan Is Hot
"Patient shows signs of depression, sexual anxiety and a general disconnection from society." said the psychiatrist into the dictaphone. He saw the patient thirty miles from his home, conducting regular visits to the cabin for the last five years in order to conduct a psychiatric evaluation. The patient was himself.
He prescribed himself 100µg of LSD to be taken before meals, upping the dose for family occasions such as birthdays, weddings and Christmas. Often he wouldn't eat, instead trailing meat and vegetables around his plate creating shapes in the various gravies provided. His son, also a doctor, would attempt to take prints from these gravy diagrams before the table was cleared. They didn't mean anything although ended up being used as Rorschach tests for the tongue.
He prescribed himself 100µg of LSD to be taken before meals, upping the dose for family occasions such as birthdays, weddings and Christmas. Often he wouldn't eat, instead trailing meat and vegetables around his plate creating shapes in the various gravies provided. His son, also a doctor, would attempt to take prints from these gravy diagrams before the table was cleared. They didn't mean anything although ended up being used as Rorschach tests for the tongue.

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